MSO originally existed as a raiding guild, active 2004 - 2010, throughout Classic, TBC & WotLK. We had a successful number of years, culminating with ICC25 on farm. Come Cata, like most people, interest was lost in the game and we finally downed tools in an official raiding capacity.
When Classic was announced I was bombarded with messages via facebook, email, whatsapp, carrier pigeon - you name it - the old player base wanted MSO back!
This means that the guild has returned not just in name, but player base also. The entire officer team have known each other since 2004 and we work very well together. The raid team consists of ~75% returning players also.
From launch it took us just 32 days to down the Firelord (as a pure guild group - a collab saw him down the week before), with Onyxia the following week.
Come Blackwing Lair our success continued - 1st week was a 8/8 clear and in the 2nd week we had a clean 8/8 one-shot clear.
AQ40 was much the same; 8/9 in the 1st week (3 day "week", due to gates opening) and then 9/9 in the 2nd week.
We "completed Classic" on 7 Jan 2020, with KT dead.
Now we are in TBC the focus remains the same and to support all our long-standing members, we are running hugely successful 6x 10 man teams & 2x 25 man teams; "Aldor" & "Scryer".
All Phase 1 content was cleared within the week of launch and we look forward to Phase 2!
The guild’s main focus is fun, with minimal drama and a relaxed raid environment. Our strong performance in Classic aside, we are not an elitist guild – we are not gunning for server firsts and consider ourselves a semi-hardcore guild.
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Midnight Sun Order is not recruiting at this time.
What activities is Midnight Sun Order recruiting for?
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What is the primary language used in Midnight Sun Order?